I would like to take the opportunity to thank all friends and supporters, who have helped this project or will help this project. Every single one of you makes a valuable contribution that allows this idea to grow.
Deutsche AIDS-Stiftung
Partner on this journey
Firstly, I would like to express my thanks to the Deutsche AIDS Stiftung and especially to Dr. Volker Mertens. Our contact and telephone conversations have always had a fascinating intensity and clarity. I am very glad that we have joined forces and are working together on this project. I thank you for your competent and sensitive support.
Thomas Dohrmann
Programming and technical implementation
Thomas Dohrmann is the specialist for the development and realisation of several conceptual formulations on the internet. He calls himself 'web architect', which illustrates his consideration to combine functional, contentual and creative aspects, thus finding the best solutions for individual web applications.
Manfred Esser
Photography of the project in Berlin
To me, Manfred Esser belongs to one of the best photographers. His works are multilayered and differentiated. Working with him is a unique experience each time. He is a true artist of photography and I am looking forward to meeting him in Berlin.
AGENDA Rechtsanwälte
General legal consulting
The lawyer Dirk Hermanns and his colleagues represent and advise corporations from many industries and are specialised in a variety of areas. I appreciate their excellent mixture of competency, reliability and friendliness.
Barfield Übersetzungen
Translation into English (Exposé)
Jeffrey Barfield and Karin Barfield have accompanied my work for many years and time and time again I am quite taken by the quality of their translations. Also linguistically challenging tasks are solved brilliantly at all times. Highly recommended.
Cristina Blankenhorn
Translation into Spanish (Exposé)
Since Spain has become our second home, Cristina Blankenhorn has continuously helped us with her wonderful translations. What impresses me particularly, is her ability to find excellent linguistic and apt solutions. This is fine art, especially when the text is of high standard.
Michèle Vaslin
Translation into French (Exposé)
Michèle Vaslin translates with an acute sense for detail and a confident view of the bigger picture. You can feel her passion for the French language. This is what makes working with her very enjoyable and the result very valuable.
die RahmenManufaktur
Frame and passepartout for the painting in Berlin
Mrs. Ulrike Mühlich and her RahmenManufaktur in Berlin has provided me with an exceptionally friendly and professional service and has made a frame and passepartout available. Hence, the painting will look its best!
Schletter GmbH
Acrylic glass (impact resistant) for the painting in Berlin
I have known the company Schletter for many years and working together with them is always a particular pleasure. What they manage to accomplish in the field of metal processing and all other business areas is truly remarkable!
... and to all friends
Many voices create an orchestra
My thanks also goes to all those people who have actively participated, have given advice, have pondered and sympathised, and have always believed in this project. Thank you!